Aaron Anstett‘s newest collection is Insofar as Heretofore. His work recently appears or will in cream city review, Eleven Eleven,Gargoyle, Parcel, and Southern Poetry Review, among others.
Barbara Harroun is an Assistant Professor at Western Illinois University. Her most recent work is forthcoming or appearing in Circus Book, Empty Sink, Per Contra Fiction, Fiction Southeast, Watershed Review, and Spelk. Her favorite creative endeavors are her awesome kids, Annaleigh and Jack. When she isn’t writing, reading, or teaching, she can be found walking her beloved dog, Banjo, or engaging in literacy activism and radical optimism. @BarbaraHarroun
Elizabeth Muscari is a busy student at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in the busier Dallas, Texas. Elizabeth has received recognition for her poetry in the arts community; she recently received recognition for her poetry at the Dallas ISD’s Reflections contest. She is currently working with the Dallas a symphony Orchestra and their May festival, Soluna. @emscri
Heather J. Macpherson writes from Massachusetts. Her work has appeared inSpillway, Pearl, OVS, The Broken Plate, CLARE Literary and other fine publications. And now this one! She has twice been a features editor for The Worcester Review, and is the executive director at Damfino Press. You can follow her blog at scribble hysteria She is also a mom, and it’s really awesome.
Ian Martin is a content fountain who lives gently in Ottawa. Ian has previously been published in Bywords, The Steel Chisel, In/Words, and Ygdrasil. Ian stores bread in the freezer. Website.
Joe McLaren is a student in Brisbane, Australia, who is writing poetry and stories in the night time and assessing refunds for microwaves in the day time.
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in New Plains Review, Big Muddy and Sanskrit with work upcoming in South Carolina Review, Gargoyle, Mudfish and Louisiana Literature.
Kate Salvi has been exhibiting and selling her photographs and abstract paintings since 2009. She has recently been published worldwide in several magazines and literary journals as well. She won the People’s Choice Award at the Chabot Fine Art Gallery in June 2010 and then decided to expand her photo greeting card business. They are now for sale in 22 shops and boutiques and she hopes to continue expanding. Kate finds much solace through her artwork as she struggles with the tumultuous illness manic depression. Website. Facebook.
Kyle Hemmings has art work in The Stray Branch, Euphenism, Uppagus, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Black Market Lit, Red Bird Press, Snapping Twigs, and upcoming work in Convergence. He loves pre-punk garage bands of the 60s, Manga comics, and urban photography/art. Blog.
Kynan James is a mysterious character who hasn’t provided a bio. We have to assume they are pretty awesome, because we like their writing.
leaf kotasek is a nonbinary trans* person and their pronouns are “they/them/their.” they grow food with their partner on gabriola island. leaf is a queer, radical peasant. Blog.
Miranda Pearson was born in England and moved to Canada in 1991. Her poetry has been published widely in literary journals and anthologies and she is the author of three previous collections, Prime, The Aviary, and Harbour. Harbour was nominated for the Dorothy Livesay Prize in 2010. Her latest book of poetry is titled The Fire Extinguisher, (Oolichan Books 2015). Miranda currently lives in Vancouver, Canada, where she teaches and edits poetry and works in Community Mental Health.
The Pigeons of Red Mill will be also available in “The Fire Extinguisher”, published by Oolichan Books, 2015.
Natalie Tinney is 50% Canadian and 50% Peruvian but was not born in either of those countries. She is in her fifth year of medical school at Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru. Natalie is an avid backpacker and aspires to complete a residency in Psychiatry. Her work has recently appeared in The Rain, Party & Disaster Society; The Steel Chisel, and as a Flash Fiction contest winner in Soliloquies.
P.A.Levy was born East London but now resides amongst the hedge mumblers of rural Suffolk, P.A.Levy has been published in many magazines, from ‘A cappella Zoo’ to ‘Zygote In My Coffee’ and stations in-between. He is also a founding member of the Clueless Collective and can be found loitering on page corners and wearing hoodies atwww.cluelesscollective.co.uk
Sally Houtman does not tweet or Facebook or blog. She has never taken a selfie. She does, however, string words together into sentences and paragraphs, which occasionally assemble into poems and stories. Once, completely by accident, she wrote an entire book. She is probably writing something now.
Samuel Joseph is the Dragon, and is privy to a great becoming, but recognizes nothing. He is an ant in the afterbirth. He is a slug in the sun. You owe him ALL. Youtube.
Shloka Shankar is a freelance writer residing in India. Her work appears in over two dozen international anthologies including The Dance of the Peacock,Emanations IV, The Living Haiku Anthology, Family Matters, and publications by Paragram, Silver Birch Press, Minor Arcana Press, Harbinger Asylum, Kind of a Hurricane Press and Writing Knights Press among others. Her poems, erasures, haiku & tanka have appeared in numerous print and online journals. She is also the editor of the literary and arts journal, Sonic Boom.
Spenser Smith is a poet, photographer and blogger living in Nanaimo, BC. He is currently majoring in Creative Writing at Vancouver Island University. He enjoys writing about the prairies and takings pics of waterfalls. Website:www.spensersmith.com
Valentina Cardinalli is a perpetual artist and crafter. She’s constantly working on several projects at one time! Her work tends to have a juvenile happy-darkness and she tries to always be “true” and “not boring”. Her main drive right now is the AEIOU Art Ensemble Initiative of the Universe (find it and “like” on Facebook!) Art and philosophy are meshed into one entity in Valentinas’ mind. Joseph Campbell once said “follow your bliss” and these are words she took to heart as she follows her whims and fancies in the art realm. Always, first and foremost, Valentina has fun creating visual art.