From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to make text magazine free; text, at its very essence, is meant to be accessible, and we’re serious about our mantra to bring poetry everywhere. But we’re a small team in an equally small community, and, while the local reception toward text has been phenomenal so far–we’ve gained support from a ton local writers, as well as the local news–the momentum hasn’t been enough to keep us “afloat.” So today we’re asking for your help.
We’ve started an Indiegogo.
When text was first conceived, our founder and editor-in-chief Shaleeta Harper poured virtually every cent to her name into the magazine. Now we have two issues available both in print and online, as well as a third coming this month regardless of how the Indiegogo goes. But we’re quickly approaching broker-than-broke status.
This campaign is a call for support, and a call to action.
It’s a chance for us to spread the word, and to gain the momentum (and financial support) we need to keep moving forward with text. If you share our vision, please consider contributing to our campaign and sharing it with your friends. If you’re simply interested in text, please read one of our issues online, or subscribe and have the magazine on your doorstep anywhere in the world. If you want to support us in any other way, please send us an email, or a haiku, or a hug wrapped in gold tinfoil.
We are text magazine.
Help us bring poetry everywhere.